Early Career Workshop Submissions

16th EAOHP Conference, 5th-7th June, 2024

Key information

The EAOHP Education Forum is organising an Early Career Workshop for PhD students and early career researchers undertaking research in main topic areas of Occupational Health Psychology.  The aim of the Early Career Workshop is to provide early career researchers an informal context to get feedback on their work by a leading scholar in the field, and also to facilitate networking with other PhD students. 

The Early Career Workshop will take place during the main conference days and consists of roundtable discussions that will be organized around main Occupational Health Psychology themes. Participants will be assigned to groups based on their main research interests. During the roundtable discussion, participants will provide a brief (max. 5 minutes) presentation of their research, which will be followed by an open discussion facilitated by senior scholars, who are specialized on the specific themes and who will provide feedback to participants.

Early career researchers are welcome to also submit additional papers from their research as oral/poster presentations by following the guidelines provided for those types of submissions.

Who should apply for the Early Career Workshop?

Early career researchers (i.e., PhD students or researchers right after the completion of their PhD) may apply for the Early Career Workshop.  The Workshop will be part of the conference main program and given that limited seats are available, participants will be selected based on topic similarity and availability to present onsite only.

Only submissions with a complete registration by 19 April 2024 (including payment of the registration fee) to attend the conference onsite will be considered for the Early Career Workshop.


Submission guidelines

To submit an abstract to the ECR Workshop, click in the “Sign in to the ECR workshop” button at the bottom of this page. Then, in the submission form select the option “ECR workshop”. Below are some suggestions for submitting abstracts to the ECR Workshop:


      • Presenters should submit a 200-300 word abstract, depicting the main idea/research questions, methodology and any key findings of their research.
      • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English
      • Authors must provide a title of up to 20 words for their submission (using title case), their name (only initial letters in capitals) and affiliation.
      • There is no need for section headers. If used, these should be italicized and on the same line as the following text (e.g. “Introduction: Research indicates that…”)
      • The following information should not be in the abstract section: tables, figures, list of references, title, author or institution information, keywords, and any bolded or underlined text (italics are okay)