EAOHP President, Professor Stavroula Leka, authored a thematic discussion paper for the European Commission that presents and discusses the regulatory and policy context on work-related psychosocial risks in the European Union. This is the second time Stavroula has been invited to author this report. The European Commission organised a peer review on legislative and enforcement approaches to address psychosocial risks at work in the Member States on 26-27 June 2024 in Belgium.
A previous review had taken place in 2019. A number of countries participated in the 2024 review, including Belgium, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden. The purpose of the peer review was to gather experiences of Member State regulatory and policy approaches to address psychosocial risks at work, draw learnings on successes and challenges, and discuss the way forward for the European Union.
Stavroula’s report as well as all reports developed for this review can be found here: Peer Review on Legislative and enforcement approaches to address psychosocial risks at work in the Member States – European Commission