16th EAOHP Conference

Granada (Spain), 5th-7th June, 2024

16th EAOHP Conference 

Granada (Spain), 5th-7th June, 2024

The EAOHP 2024 Conference will take place at Granada, Spain.

The EAOHP 2024 Conference is co-organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Labour Relations & Human Resources of the University of Granada. For this conference, a selection of Pre-conference Workshops will be held on 04 June 2024 while the main conference will take place between 05 and 07 June, 2024.

We are glad to announce that the 16th EAOHP conference will our second conference to be held on a hybrid format. In this occasion, remote delegates will be able to attend and present only in the conference’s oral sessions (oral and symposium sessions). Therefore, we encourage you to attend in person and benefit from the great experience our conference provides.

The online format of the conference will be conducted through Zoom, so we strongly recommend installing this software and verifying if you do not require to update it prior to the conference.

We look forward to welcoming you in Granada!

Conference Chairs: Professor Francisco Diaz-Bretones & Professor Stavroula Leka

Countdown for the conference









Registrations to attend the conference in person are now closed. 

However, we still welcome delegates who want to join us remotely.

You can register for online attendance here.

Conference theme & Keynotes

The theme for the 2024 conference is ‘Contributions of OHP to social justice’. The programme will include oral and poster presentations as well as a number of invited and special symposia in line with the multidisciplinary conference theme. These include sessions that will focus on Spanish and Latin American research delivered in Spanish and a session providing an international OHP perspective from the International Coordinating Group for Occupational Health Psychology (ICG-OHP).

Professor Tahira M. Probst

Washington State University (USA)

Professor Marisa Salanova

Jaume I University (Spain)