Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

Granada (Spain), 5th-7th June, 2024

The EAOHP 2024 conference is a perfect opportunity for organisations to promote their activities, products and services as well as to raise a global profile. Academics, practitioners and policymakers from 50 countries worldwide will attend this conference to cover topics such as mental health at work, the future of work and social justice.

One-Day Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities:

We offer sponsorship and exhibition opportunities during the EAOHP conference days. We charge a standard fee of €500 per day, the package offers the following benefits:

    • Exhibition display space of 3m x 2m.
    • Quarter-page advertisement in the conference proceedings.
    • Company logo on the front cover of the conference proceedings and programme.
    • One free delegate place to attend the conference sessions.
    • Acknowledgement in the chairman’s opening remarks.
    • Company logo on conference badge and on-screen between conference sessions.
    • Company logo, acknowledgement and web link on the EAOHP website.

Luncheon session:

In addition, companies can opt to introduce themselves and their activities through a presentation related to the theme of the EAOHP 2024 Conference. For this, we charge a standard fee of €500 to deliver a 1-hour presentation during lunchtime in one of the rooms in which the conference takes place.

To further discuss sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at the EAOHP 2024 conference, please contact us at contact@eaohp.org