Call for papers

Granada (Spain), 5th-7th June, 2024

The call for Papers for the 16th EAOHP Conference      has closed


The theme for the 2024 conference is ‘Contributions of OHP to social justice’.

The programme will include oral and poster presentations as well as a number of invited and special symposia in line with the multidisciplinary conference theme. These include a session that will focus on Spanish and Latin American research that will be delivered in Spanish, and a session providing an international OHP perspective from the International Coordinating Group for Occupational Health Psychology (ICG-OHP).

Key dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 01 December 2023 – extended to 18 December 2023
Author notifications issued by: Late February 2024
Deadline for author registration:
19 April 2024

Submission Topics

Submissions are welcome in all areas of research, practice, and education in occupational health psychology and related areas. Relevant topics include but are not limited to studies on:

Psychosocial work environment

– Antecedents of stress and well-being
– Stress: Theory and measurement
– Interpersonal relationships
– Work-life balance
– Social capital and social climate

Contemporary issues in OHP

– Work engagement and positive OHP
– Future of Work: New forms of work (e.g., hybrid, remote, gig) and implications for health, safety and wellbeing 
– Inequalities in working conditions and health

Individual and organizational interventions

– Policy level interventions including regulation and CSR
– Training and education
– Workplace health promotion
– Organizational interventions, outcomes and evaluation

Social justice

– Migration and the workplace
– Gender and ageing
– Equality, diversity and inclusion
– Sustainability, green jobs and just transitions
– Refugees and displaced workers
– Modern slavery and wellbeing

Session Types

Four types of sessions will take place during the conference.

Please note that delegates will only be able to be the named presenter for a maximum of three accepted presentations (across all types of presentations). This does not include invited sessions or being a symposium chair/discussant.

Oral presentations

15 minute oral presentations, organised in concurrent themed sessions


Presentation of a series of papers on a common theme

Poster presentations

Illustrative reports on research in progress or developing ideas

Early career researcher workshop

 A roundtable session for PhD students and early career researchers