Oral/poster paper submissions

16th EAOHP Conference, 5th-7th June, 2024

Key information

Authors can present their research and receive feedback from fellow academics and practitioners of the OHP discipline by delivering oral or poster presentations.

Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English, although a limited number of submissions will be accepted in Spanish for oral presentations. 

The Scientific Committee will determine the presentation type of each accepted paper taking into consideration the author’s preference. Authors will receive notification of abstract acceptance and the type of presentation by 16 February 2024.

Only abstracts that have at least one author with a complete registration by 19 April 2024 (including payment of the registration fee) to attend the conference onsite or remotely will be included in the conference proceedings.

Submission guidelines

To submit an oral or poster presentation, click on the “Submit an oral/poster paper” button at the bottom of this page. Abstracts should be uploaded using the following structure:

Title:  Up to 30 words (Using title case)

Author: Only initial letter in capitals. For example: John Doe

Affiliation: Up to 3 affiliations per author. Submitters must maintain consistency while registering authors that share an affiliation.

Proper example: Author 1: University College London, London, UK, Author 2: University College London, London, UK, Author 3: University College London, London, UK

Abstract body:

The abstract body should be between 300-500 words (less than this will be considered insufficient) and structured along the following sections: Background; Method; Results; Conclusion.

Submissions must not include tables, figures, list of references, title, author or institution information, keywords, and any bolded or underlined text (italics are okay).

*Although delegates can submit presentations in which data collection and/or analysis has not been finalised yet, the paper should be completed by the conference date.