Presenter guidelines

16th EAOHP Conference

Oral Presentation

Each presentation will last 15 minutes including time for questions. It is suggested that authors keep presentations to 10 minutes. The session chair will introduce each presenter and ensure that presentations are kept to time.

All sessions will be recorded by default. Please let your session Chair know if you do not wish your presentation to be recorded.

Face-to-face presenters: 

All oral presentations must be supported by Microsoft Power Point. Presentations should be on a USB stick. Please go to the room allocated for your presentation 15 minutes prior to the start of your session, where you will be assisted in copying it onto the system.

Remote presenters:

​Each presentation will last 15 minutes, including time for questions. You will receive all instructions a couple of days before the conference.


Symposium Chairs and Discussants have flexibility in setting out the timing and structure within each session.

All sessions will be recorded by default. Please let the in-room volunteer know you do not wish your symposium or specific presentations to be recorded.

Poster presentations

Posters should ideally be printed in A0 size: 119cm (Height) X 84cm (Width) in portrait format.

Authors for poster presentations should bring their posters to the conference venue on the day of the presentation. Posters can be installed from 08:30 am and must removed by the end of the session. Any posters not taken down at the end of each day will be removed by the organising team.

Tape will be provided. All authors are responsible for placing their own posters according to their assigned space. Please search for the board with the code allocated to the poster in the conference programme. If needed, presenters can require assistance from the conference organising team.