Symposia submissions

16th EAOHP Conference, 5th-7th June, 2024

Key information

Symposia are focused 60-90 minute sessions in which participants present a series of papers (typically between 3-6 papers) on a common theme. The format consists of an introduction to the topic by the chairperson followed by presentation of separate papers. These presentations are followed by an interchange among participants and the audience.

Abstracts for the symposium and its individual presentations must be submitted and presented in English. 

The symposium chair will receive notification of the session acceptance  by 16 February 2024.

Only symposia in which the symposium chair, co-chair and presenters have completed their registration by 19 April 2024 (including payment of the registration fee) to attend the conference onsite or remotely will be included in the conference proceedings.


Submission guidelines

To submit a symposium, first, the symposium chair has to create the session using the “Submit a symposium” button at the bottom of this page to create the session in the conference system.

While creating the symposium, chairs must provide an abstract with an overview of the session, indicating the contribution of each individual paper and listing the order of the presentations and their presenter (name, affiliation and country). Then, the chair invites authors to upload their abstracts as individual oral presentations. Lastly, presenters have to attach their presentations into the session before completing their submission.

Some suggestions for the structure of the symposium abstract are provided below.

Title:  Up to 40 words (Only the initial letter of each word must be in capitals)

Session Chairs: Up to 2 per symposium, only the initial letter of chairs has to be in capitals. Proper example: John Doe / Joan Doe

Affiliation: Up to 3 affiliations per chair. Submitters must maintain consistency while registering authors that share an affiliation.

Example: Author 1: University College of London, London, UK, Author 2: University College of London, London, UK, Author 3: University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Abstract body:

The abstract body should be between 200-400 words (less than this will be considered insufficient). Abstracts must not include tables, figures, list of references, title, chairs information, keywords, and any bolded or underlined text (italics are okay).