The Portland State University Department of Occupational Health Psychology and the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences (OHSU) are hosting their virtual 2023 Fall OHP Symposium, Protecting Worker Health in Hazardous Occupations, from 09:00-15:30 on 27th October 2023.

This event will uncover the challenges facing workers in hazardous occupations and provides the opportunity to explore:

  • The need for comprehensive health protection for these workers and the practical and regulatory measures that can contribute to more equitable workplaces. 
  • Emerging issues within hazardous occupations: in particular the forestry, agriculture, construction, and mining sectors, with an emphasis on current data and perspectives from multiple stakeholders.
  • High-risk groups: underserved communities including migrant and informal economy workers often find themselves in hazardous occupations. These workers are at an increased risk of discrimination, limited access to healthcare, and reduced workplace protections.
  • Fostering a total health culture: how to ensure health and safety for workers in hazardous occupations. The Total Worker Health® approach will be discussed with specific examples to shed light on how it is possible to integrate protection from both visible and invisible hazards in these occupations.

Overall, the symposium will bring together the voices of researchers, policy-makers, union leaders, workers, and other stakeholders to share insights and collaborate on finding ways to enhance worker health and safety in challenging work environments.

Tickets are available here: